Milton Grange Outreach Mental Health Service                    Appendix 2

Who are we and what do we do?

As part of Adult Social Care, the Milton Grange Outreach Mental Health Service provides an assessment and rehabilitation service to support people in the community in order to prevent admission to hospital or to facilitate discharge from hospital. The service can offer support to people with functional mental health needs and mild to moderate cognitive impairments.


The Team:

The Outreach Service has a multidisciplinary team comprising Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Therapy Assistants and Specialist Mental Health Nursing.



The service operates between 9:00am – 4:00pm, seven days per week and has the capacity to support up to 10 clients at a time. It is a short-term service offering a maximum of 4 weeks. Services are provided at Milton Grange and community locations including care homes and the person’s own home. The Outreach Mental Health Service is part of the Milton Grange suite of Intermediate Care Services and is a countywide service.


Our main aims are:

·        To provide a high-quality service, with individual service plans to meet needs of people with functional or organic mental health needs;

·        To prevent admission to acute hospital where possible

·        To support timely discharge from hospital

·        To work with other professional organisations to provide care;


We can offer:

·        Mental Health Assessments and individual support plans

·        Therapy to enable people to regain independence

·        Help to identify everyday tasks people can do and which they find difficult;

·        Advice and support to care home providers for people with complex mental health needs.


Access to the service:


Referral Process: